Pizza Pi: A Mystery Revealed
Join us as we dive into the culinary story of Chef Greg Smith, the innovative mind and owner of Pizza Pi. We explore his background and inspirations, including how and why he became a chef, as well as where the name Pizza Pi came from. We also explore where his dishes came from and what inspired them at the time they were created.

As we get to know more about Chef Smith, we understand more about how movies and shows play certain roles in our lives, especially for those who love cooking. They would either relate or try to combine what they saw into their work. We get to know how movies inspired his culinary and cooking lives.
We asked Chef Smith many questions, and one of the things we learned was that through food and restaurants, we get to know someone’s life. Also, the kind of food they were brought up on and if they brought it into their restaurants.
If you continue listening, you will get to know, if hardships or obstacles are brought on, certain ways to overcome them and keep driving through.
Through this podcast, you will learn about the many interests one person may have and how they got inspired to go into their line of work.
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